Empowerment for neurodivergent individuals.

Who We Are

Agrove Academy exists to empower neurodivergent individuals and their families.

What We Do

  1. Social recreation through fitness.
  2. Functional education through day programs.
  3. Transition to self-determination.

Social recreation through fitness

Social interaction in a fun and supportive environment while getting fit.

Personalized fitness and movement protocols that target somatic errors and increase endurance & agility leading to confidence, strength, and better health.

Schedule a free assessment.

Functional education through day programs

We’re developing world-class programs to train participants in job/life skills, music, and fine arts to educate and enrich lives.

Join our interest list.

Transition to self-determination

In-house facilitators to transition families to self-determination. Our goal is that families are empowered to select from the best services for their neurodivergent loved one.

Learn more.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Stronger, Together.

Together, we are making the world a better place for the neurodivergent community.


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